Recently I’ve had to serialize/deserialize some data in Java binary format. Lately I use JSON or XML formats.
I remember that to serialize Java objects they must implement the Serializable interface, but I had also read in Internet other way, implementing the Externalizable interface, then, which interface must I implement? It depends on what you want such as everything in the life.
When to use Serializable or Externalizable.
To serialize easily. You have to write less code.
This way has some restrictions: The object to serialize must implement the default constructor (0 args). It must be responsible to manage the parent class attributes.
The performance is not as important, we will see more about that in Performance tests (Serializable vs. Externalizable).
You must implement the serialization/deserialization methods, so you have to write more code.
When you cannot use Serializable.
When you want to improve the performance, as we’ll see in Performance tests (Serializable vs. Externalizable).
If you have to manage the serialization of parent class attributes, then I recommend you use Externalizable, because we’ll avoid a weird private methods overriding.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos)
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)
Performance tests (Serializable vs. Externalizable)
Serializable: Java, through introspection, guesses the types of class attributes to know how to serialize/deserialize them, but this "magic" is not free, it has a performance penalty.
When we use Externalizable interface, we decide how to serialize/deserialize, namely we have to write the code that does it. We’ve lost ease, but also we avoid that Java does some tasks, so if we override the methods properly, we’ll get a performance improvement.
To know how big is the performance difference between both interfaces, I’ve written a tiny example in which we serialize an object with 2 collections with 100000 elements each one. Here you can find the tests execution results. There are 3 different implementations:
Implementing Serializable
As we mentioned above, Java has to guess certain things. During this process it sacrifices some of performance (slowest way), in exchange we get really simple source code, the class to serialize just has to implement the Serializable interface.
public class Contacts implements Serializable {
// ...
serializing: 1133 millisecond
deserializing: 506 millisecond
Implementing Externalizable (wrong way)
If the class implements Externalizable, we must tell to Java how it has to serialize/deserialize the class attributes. We just have to be careful, because if we did it bad, then we’ll get the worst of the both worlds: more complex implementation and bad performance, i.e: If we serialize/deserialize complex class attributes (like collections), Java will also have to guess many things about the attributes type.
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
setEmails((Set<String>) in.readObject());
setPhones((Set<String>) in.readObject());
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
serializing: 737 millisecond
deserializing: 367 millisecond
Implementing Externalizable (right way)
If we serialize one by one the collection elements, then we’ll save more time, because Java serializes simple types, this way avoids guessing things that we actually know.
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
int nEmails = in.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < nEmails; i++) {
int nPhones = in.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < nPhones; i++) {
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
for (String e : emails) {
for (String p : phones) {
serializing: 204 millisecond
deserializing: 92 millisecond
We’ve gained performance at expense of write more code.
Results Analysis
We don’t gain performance due to use an interface or the other one.
We gain performance because Externalizable interface forces us to implement ourselves the guessing code, so Java doesn’t have to do that.
As we have seen at Implementing Externalizable (wrong way), si no tenemos cuidado, conseguiremos una mejora poco significativa a costa de complicar nuestro código fuente.